1. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  2. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  3. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  4. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  5. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  6. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  7. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  8. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  9. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  10. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  11. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  12. SnowHearT says:

    Thank you guys for all replies. I really appreciate your answers.




  13. choudhry says:

    These answers are extremely insightful. I agree with the concept of expectations leading to our downfall, greed, and love/fear directing a cheaters actions.
    I also believe it also has to do with your understanding of relationships from childhood to adulthood and your relationship with yourself. For example, if you consistently had unstable and toxic relationships in which someone as wronged you ( mother, father, friend, coworker) you see everything as conditional and you may feel you are worthy of this kind of energy, life, and cycle.
    When you have do not love or value yourself, you do not value or honor your relationships so you treat them as such and sometimes destroy them in the form of cheating. Cheating has a lot more to do with the cheater then the one who was cheated on. For they have ultimately cheated themselves Snowheart. I hope everyone suffering the experience of being cheated on or taking part in cheating uses the lessons to grow and find peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sidhant says:

    In simple words I would say … it exists when “he or she” wants the best for them, so they keep on moving to the next best they found but still keeps the previous once. So I’n that case they have an option that if the new best doesn’t works out for them, they can switch back to previous one….
    it’s just the hunger of wanting more and never getting satisfied
    May it be the hunger of anything they want in there partner …..
    though other reasons like there psychology has developed this trait or they are doing this for revenge or some people even have it in there mind that they enjoy cheating ….

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Because monogamy is an invention, we got still the animal instinct…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Lia says:

    First we have to ask: what is cheating? To me, cheating is being dishonest. Or judging others for being dishonest, when we ourselves fail to reveal ourselves in full and cannot possibly know the full story of another. I think people are dishonest when they are afraid of something, and/or are craving love. But “honesty is the best policy,” as is unconditional love. Wonderful thought-provoking question, snowheart!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. There are several reasons which are not genuine but the major one is inability to control oneself from lustful attitude towards another. It is not right to cheat because of anything especially to revenge. Such will regret the act at the end

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Because EXPECTATIONS exist. Control expectation and no one can cheat you.
    Suppose you go in a park daily, you see an unknown person doing exercise there. You dont know him, neither physically attracted nor are interested in him in any way. You start seeing him daily in that park for a week. Suppose on the 8th day he is not there in the park.
    Your mind will come up with a thought like ” where is he”, or “he is not here today” or “something is missing”. This is how basic expectations are that without even knowing a person you expect him to be there at a place.
    If you do something for someone you start expecting more in return and make yourself vulnerable to get cheated. So never get entangled in this explicitly.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Xaman Calid says:

    There could be different reasons for this, it might be personality trait, it might be greed it might be rvenge, it might be inferiority, it depend upon the scenario.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Because people are not happy on the inside and they migrate from one relationship to another, from a job to another, from a place to another etc in search of the elusive goal of fulfillment through a change in external circumstances

    Liked by 2 people

  21. KK says:

    Just due to GREED- greed for more, greed for better. But it comes from psyche, which is shaped in formative years of a person. In India, we call it Sanskar.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Maya says:

    My perception is because of self-centered intentions, people cheat others. That can either be in a relationship or on professional front too.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. kinge says:

    A struggle of balance within, where the mind body- bodily desires are stronger than the mind hence overpower our decisions even though we know a thing to be wrong or immoral. We tend to give in since the body drive is stronger..

    Can be overcome when we out in work on our minds and habits. It’s tedious hence or is shy away. Things like meditation help create this inner balance and peace and working out consistently creates discipline and practice of delayed gratification both exile of how to be stronger than the ‘flesh’ bidy mind or poor habits

    Liked by 1 person

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