
When I learned
to wait,
Why you didn’t come?

When I learned
to be patient,
Why you give up?

When I learned
to love you,
Why you shun?

When you know
I loved you,
Why you loved someone?

This is an English version of “Bakit”. More power and Godbless. Keep safe always. – SnowHearT

Find your Purpose

Who or what drives your life?

Sometimes we think that until when we live a fiery ball of anger, until when we live in a shadow fear of death, until when we are going to live in a expectations of our family, friends and relatives or all those people who surround us, until when we live for our wants on this world for everything we want to have in our hand like our smartphones, new model of car, clothes or anything that we want. It is our happiness. It’s gives satisfaction and pleasure for ourselves. In the sense that we forgot that these are the things that make us away from God. We are blind for this thing materialistic. We never know that our feelings and emotions are far from God because we are more focus on things that surrounds us.

Until when we’re going to live on the past. We cannot keep walking forward coz we always wanted back and stay for our past. Cry like a river until no more tears coming out. It’s all give us shits, pain and heartaches in our life.

Better to know your purpose from our God, live our life with Him. He is our greatest armor that we can lean on. God values you because you are His child. Find your purpose in life. He loves you more than you know.

You know what is greatest tragedy in life? It is not death but not knowing the purpose of your life in this world.


You, Lord give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3 (TEV)

Don’t force your life to drive by others let God be the captain of your life.


It Would be US!!!

Let me walk with you
Searching for new
Living with you
Is my new life

to spend for the rest
test our love shared
rain or shine

it would be us
walking for the sunshine
holding hands
through shady life

it would be us
living life together
for better and worst

it would be us
searching for its moment
as we needed passes by
walking through our journey

there’s a lot time
making our footprints
with love and joy

it would be us
longing with each other
in every corner
to sight you and I


Looking at the window
Waiting for you dear
It takes days
days become weeks
weeks becomes months
months becomes years
years becomes decades

Here I am,,,
still waiting for you
Glimpse me on my shady days
Please, Oh! Dear,
I was longing for you
I don’t know where you are
Still I am holding your promise
it is my resting heart
when I am about to give up
Your promises echoing into my ears
shouting your voice loudly
deep through my hearts

Oh, Dear! you know,,
How I missed you really,
Please glimpse me
to ease my loneliness
and wipes my tears
with your warm hand
softened my heart
I missed your hugs
it is my daily dose of comfort
Your smile is my repellent
on my moody swayed upside and down
You are the best view I had.

So, Dear! Glimpse me once
and feel me that you’re here
Brush my hair when I slept
Let’s sway on the swing together
Let’s walk on the breezy beach
and leave our footprints
Let’s dance under the rain
enjoy every drops that falling
Eat together in a view deck
while witnessing the sunrise
These are the memories
that would be an antique memoirs
to treasure forever
while waiting you dear.